Introducing Metaguild

Metaguild is a collective of gamers united by the goal of increasing awareness about the alternative financial system and new gaming models.


A coordination game is a type of simultaneous game used in game theory when players benefit from coordinating their activities by making the same decisions. — Wikipedia, Game Theory

About Us

Metaguild is a decentralized collective of investors, crypto enthusiasts, and gamers united by the goal of increasing awareness about the alternative financial system and gaming models.

Many people struggle to enter the crypto world due to a lack of background knowledge and guidance from trusted authorities. We believe that blockchain gaming is the best way for people to understand decentralization and its capabilities, as gamification is an important part of the educational process. Metaguild aims to build a bridge for these people to enter the blockchain-powered world and to help them understand how blocks are created.

Our Activities

Metaguild continuously researches the NFT and blockchain space for opportunities to invest in Metaverse digital assets and build on top of them. We have been holding Sandbox lands since 2019, and we also have Ember Sword lands located in the most attractive part of the map in our portfolio. We are currently working on acquiring land parcels in the Aavegotchi Realm.

Value circulation

Play-to-earn opens new horizons and opportunities for the gaming industry, but there are also new challenges and difficulties. One example is the well-known Axie Infinity, which has an expensive entry point for new players. This is where Metaguild can help. We have been running an Axie Infinity scholarship program for eight months, lending in-game assets and taking all the risks involved, providing players with a free and fast way to start.

Our Story

Metaguild was founded by Metaverse believers who started investing in NFTs in 2018. The idea behind our collective initially emerged when we were participating in the Aavegotchi competition called "Rarity Farming". During this competition, we discovered that players who cooperated with each other were able to maximize their rewards. As a result of this realization, we formed Metaguild and decided to work together to increase our chances of winning. Our gotchi ended up winning first place in the Kinship category of rarity farming!

The winner named by website we built:

This experience proved to us that cooperation is crucial for success in play-to-earn models. We believe that by working together, we can achieve even greater success and unlock new opportunities for growth and development. As a collective, we are committed to continuing to explore ways to maximize rewards and achieve our goals.

About Metaguild

Metaguild is the first and largest self-funded hardcore gaming collective. We invest in games to secure guild positions and facilitate our players' success. At Metaguild, we take the best from traditional gaming and speedrun to the next level: games with open economies backed by blockchain. | Discord | Twitter | Blog