💚 Play, Earn, and Sue: Gala Games Token Theft Allegations and Parallel's Rich Rewards

💚 Play, Earn, and Sue: Gala Games Token Theft Allegations and Parallel's Rich Rewards


Let's explore the latest events in the web3 gaming realm this week!


In the upcoming season's Battlepass of ⁠Parallel, you'll have the chance to win the Masterpiece version of a card from the new set - a prize worth over $10,000! What's stopping you from joining the fun at Parallel?

The ⁠Rhascau team is launching Battle for Blockchain: an innovative platform that creates game-like autonomous warfare simulations, powered by socio-economic motives and linked with crypto networks. They're crafting something unique that certainly merits your attention.

Announcing Battle for Blockchain, the first Autonomous War — powered by MUD
Introducing Battle for Blockchain: simulation platform for game-like autonomous warfare, driven by socio-economic incentives and…

The playtest for the DeathMatch game mode in ⁠Nyan Heroes is live! Take a look at the quick rundown of the mode provided by Merit Circle Gaming.

Gala Games' co-founders are suing each other in court. CEO Eric Schiermeyer claims director Wright Thurston stole $130 million in GALA tokens in 2021 via his own company.

Gala Games Co-Founders Sue Each Other Alleging Corporate Waste, $130 Million Theft - Decrypt
Two founders of Web3 game developer Gala filed lawsuits against each other alleging the theft or waste of hundreds of millions.

The Sandbox is hosting a unique event with an earning feature. Three leaderboard categories—free to play, pickaxe owners, and clan avatar owners—are included, with 200 SAND split among 12 free to play subcategories.

More Play and Earn Events in The Sandbox - Play to Earn
More events in The Sandbox, including one called Pickaxe Master, a play and earn adventure which is built and run by a third party developer!

Don't miss out - ⁠ARBO unveiled a new gameplay teaser last month. It's impressive to see the level of detail and animation quality they've focused on!

That's it for the week!

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